of Civic Education2025-03-06T14:32:40+00:00Dr. Junaidi Indrawadi, S.Pd, Journal Systems Karakter Tanggung Jawab Siswa dalam Penguatan Asesmen Nasional Melalui Rapor Pendidikan di SMAN 1 Pringgabaya2025-02-07T05:54:19+00:00Widyatul Auliawidyatulaulia198@gmail.comMohamad Mustariwidyatulaulia198@gmail.comBasariah Basariahwidyatulaulia198@gmail.comBagdawansyah<div class="my-1 flex flex-col">This article aims to describe how student responsibility contributes to strengthening the national Education Report Card at SMAN 1 Pringgabaya. A qualitative descriptive approach was employed, with participants selected using purposive sampling, and data collected through observations, interviews, and document analysis. Data were analyzed using an interactive model that included data reduction, presentation, and conclusion drawing. Interview and observation guideline sheets served as references for identifying the various activities that reflect student responsibility in enhancing the national assessment. The findings indicate an average increase of 8.02% in the report card scores. Supporting factors for this improvement include: 1) competent human resources, 2) a conducive learning environment, 3) the P5 Program as a forum for character development based on Pancasila values, 4) student self-development, and 5) effective principal leadership. Conversely, challenges identified were: 1) limited IT skills among senior teachers, 2) unstable internet connections, and 3) failure to implement several programs according to the initial plan. The study is limited by its focus on a single school, so the findings may not be generalizable to other institutions with different contexts.</div>2025-02-07T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Peraturan Daerah No 1 Tahun 2022 tentang Penyelenggaraan Perizinan Berusaha Berbasis Risiko2025-02-18T01:57:03+00:00Yuma Hayaniyumananik866@gmail.comRispawati Rispawatiyumananik866@gmail.comSawaludin Sawaludinyumananik866@gmail.comYuliatin<p>The purpose of the following study is to determine the implementation of the Mataram City Regional Regulation No. 1 of 2022 related to the implementation of risk-based business licensing, especially in the trade sector, culinary type MSMEs and obstacles in the implementation of Mataram City Regional Regulation Number 1 of 2022 concerning the implementation of risk-based business licensing. Data collection methods were carried out to collect research data, namely through interviews, observation, and documentation. The study was conducted in the city of Mataram, with research samples including the business licensing service section and the head of the UMKM of Kelurahan Rembiga. The sample selection was carried out through purposive sampling technique, namely by determining several indicators according to certain criteria. The results of research related to the implementation of regional policies related to the implementation of risk-based business licensing in the city of Mataram show that the implementation of regional regulations in terms of providing services to business actors through online risk-based with the Online Single Submissions (OSS) site has achieved good synergy. Reviewed from the service implementation mechanism, implementation results, implementation evaluation and using the theory of public policy implementation based on George C. Edward III. In addition, it will also be examined regarding a number of obstacles faced in the implementation of risk-based business licensing services by public officials, namely DPMPTSP as the policy organizer and its staff. </p>2025-02-18T01:57:02+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Membangun Sustainable Tourism Bermuatan Ideologi Pancasila di Eduwisata Ndalem Kerto Ponorogo2025-02-24T02:33:12+00:00Kenlies Era Rosalina Ayuningsih<p>The post-pandemic era has increased global awareness of sustainability, particularly in the tourism sector, where responsible practices are now essential. Pancasila serves as a guiding framework for sustainable tourism, promoting diversity, cooperation, and unity while fostering an inclusive and culturally respectful environment. This study employs a qualitative field research approach at Eduwisata Ndalem Kerto Ponorogo, an educational tourism site integrating plantation and livestock farming. The site emphasizes environmental conservation, cultural heritage, and community empowerment through Pancasila-based sustainability principles, including nature conservation, community engagement, cultural diversity management, deliberative decision-making, and economic equity. Findings reveal that integrating Pancasila’s values strengthens environmental conservation, socio-cultural resilience, and economic inclusivity. The Eduwisata model offers a replicable framework for other Indonesian tourism destinations, illustrating how local wisdom and national ideology can shape responsible and sustainable tourism development.</p>2025-02-24T02:30:01+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Mohammad Hatta tentang Prinsip-Prinsip Demokrasi dan Kewarganegaraan di Indonesia2025-02-27T07:00:44+00:00Gusti Rahmigustirahmi123@gmail.comIsnarmi<p>This study aims to examine Mohammad Hatta's philosophical perspectives on the principles of democracy and citizenship in Indonesia, as articulated in his seminal work, Demokrasi Kita. The research underscores that the concept of citizenship in Indonesia should be rooted in the principles of inclusive, equitable, and participatory democracy, reflecting Hatta's visionary ideals. According to Hatta, citizens are not merely passive beneficiaries but active participants responsible for fostering a democratic and socially just society. Employing a qualitative methodology with content analysis, this study focuses on Demokrasi Kita as the primary data source, supplemented by secondary literature addressing Indonesian democracy and Hatta's contributions. The unit of analysis comprises paragraphs from the primary source that elucidate the principles of Indonesian democracy. Data validity is ensured through theoretical triangulation. The findings reveal that Hatta's conceptualization of democracy and citizenship demonstrates profound theoretical depth and remains highly relevant in contemporary contexts. While his ideas are normative in nature, they serve as a critical framework for guiding democratic practices in Indonesia today.</p> <p> </p>2025-02-27T07:00:43+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Tahlilan di Nagari Simpang Kapuak Kecamatan Mungka Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota dan Nilai-Nilai Pancasila2025-03-01T07:11:13+00:00Eko Akmalekoakmal30@gmail.comIsnarmi Fitria Dewisusifitriad@gmail.comZaky Farid<p>This study explores the Tahlilan tradition, its core values, and its alignment with Pancasila principles using a qualitative descriptive approach. Data were collected through observations, interviews, and documentation, with analysis following data reduction, presentation, and conclusion verification. Findings reveal that Tahlilan consists of preparations and Tahlil recitations, embodying values such as religiosity, charity, solidarity, mutual cooperation, and justice. These values strongly align with Pancasila, particularly belief in God Almighty, as seen in the religious nature of the ritual. Humanitarian values emerge through social care and assistance, while national unity is reflected in community collaboration and gotong royong. The democratic principle appears in the deliberative selection of Tahlilan leaders, and social justice is evident in equal participation regardless of social status. This study highlights Tahlilan as a living manifestation of Pancasila, reinforcing spiritual solidarity and social harmony in Indonesian society.</p>2025-03-01T07:11:12+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## of The Contextual Teaching Learning Model in Pancasila Education Subject Using Virtual Reality Technology2025-03-06T14:32:40+00:00Tebi Lesmanatebilesmana@upi.eduPrayoga Bestariyogabestari@upi.eduSusan Fitriasarisusan_fitriasari@upi.eduArdi<p>This research aims to explore the application of contextual learning models in learning Pancasila Education by utilizing Virtual Reality (VR) technology. The contextual approach is chosen because it is believed able to increase student understanding and engagement through relevant and meaningful learning experiences. The method in this research is using literature study, which involves collecting and analyzing data from various written sources, such as books, scientific journals, articles, and other publications, to gain an in-depth understanding of the topic under study and identify relevant trends and findings. The results show that the use of contextual learning models combined with VR technology can increase student learning motivation, material understanding, and critical thinking skills. Students feel more involved and enthusiastic in the learning process because they can interact directly with the material content through VR simulation. The challenges for implementation is limited access to VR technology, particularly in schools located in remote areas or those with insufficient financial resources. Also designing appropriate and engaging learning materials that align with the curriculum and students' cognitive levels is the major obstacle for implementation. The findings suggest that the integration of VR technology in Pancasila Education learning can be an effective alternative to create a more dynamic and immersive learning experience. It is hoped that this research can be a reference for educators in developing innovative learning strategies that are in accordance with technological developments and educational needs.</p>2025-03-06T14:32:38+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##